Thursday, May 19, 2016

Fall, 1996

Here is a series of letters from the fall of 1996.  I was beginning my sophomore year of college, and Gram would turn 79 on October 20.  I love the way she writes about simple, daily events - nothing big, not too much detail - just enough to peek at her life and know her mood.

Sept. 23, 1996
Today Jen and Brian were here to mow the lawn and put up summer things.  One job was to clean out the bird houses.  Jen stuck her hand in, pulled out lots of hay, and out through the hole, right at me, came Mr. Mouse!  He was bigger by now and only one was here.  I bid him a fond farewell as he scampered away.

Oct. 12, 1996
This morning we went to Ashford for breakfast.  Ashford is 26 miles away and where my grandfather was born about 125 years ago.  Beautiful country and the sun shining on the frosty fields, with the brilliant color of the trees in the background, was at times, breathtaking.  This last frost killed the last of the plants - now I should get out and clean up the old plants.  But today I must do something with all the tomatoes I rescued from the frost.

Nov. 4, 1996
Yesterday, Uncle Peter and I went to antique stores in East Hampton looking for book cases for him.  We had a great day.  He is a good traveling companion and I had a good ride in that new Acura with the marshmellowy leather seats.

Last night smelled like winter, but today is sunshiny and I'm going to do some yard work...  Serena was here on Saturday and took us out to lunch for our birthdays.

Nov. 12, 1996
Your Mom, Dad, & Beth just left. They came out with an apple pie and a couple of books for Grampa.  Uncle Peter was here also.  We had a good time talking about "olden days" - when your parents were little.

Last night we went to a dinner and there was a hypnotist as the entertainment.  I was sore from laughing - only I wouldn't want to be the one hypnotized.  Tomorrow we are going to Vermont for 3 days, taking [Grampa] Bob's (one of them) daughter with us. Hope we don't have any snow storms.  Lois has never been to the farm before.  I'm anxious to hear her reaction.

Thank you for Grampa's card.  He had a nice birthday - even if it did pour.  He heard from all his kids and that's what counts.

Nov. 17, 1996
We came back from Vermont Thursday afternoon.  It snowed a bit for 3 days and was very cold - 10 deg.  Don't think the snow was enough to track a cat tho - so can't count snowstorms yet.  We had an indoor fire in the fireplace and it was nice and cozy.

Today we went to Taylor Marie's baptism. She is Harry's granddaughter and my 36th of 39 great-grandchildren.  As I looked around at so many grandchildren and great-grandchildren I thought, "Am I really responsible for all these kids?  Wow!!"

One thing in particular that strikes me is how she includes the weather in so many of her letters.  She does not just state that it was hot or cold, sunny or rainy, but gives the sense of it: the smell of winter, the frosty fields, the cozy fire.  This sense of nature was as important to her as the people and activities in her daily life.

I try to remember to be a part of the natural world, rather than apart from it.  When I am outside and feel a breeze touch my cheek, carrying with it the scent of pine, or magnolia, or winter, I smile up at the grand sky and think of Gram.