Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Kentucky, Oct. 9, 1995, part 3

Our next stop was Mammoth Caves State Park.  We got off the beaten track and went into Tennessee where it was pouring, but we soon found our way back to Kentucky and the sun.  This is a good place if you are cave people.  Well, you know we are not.  They didn't even show us a good orientation film.  So we took a boat ride on the Green River.  It really was green and murky.  Lots of small caves along the way, a blue heron and lots of turtles getting the sun on the many fallen tree trunks...

Grampa has talked of having a mint julep - a southern drink you read about in old Civil War times especially.  Well, some of the people didn't know what he meant.  So at supper that night when Grampa mentioned it, the waiter brought him a drink of water with a lime and a mint leaf saying that was the closest he could come to a mint julep.

So on to Cumberland Falls State Park - so many barns, all shapes and sizes in all states of disrepair or brand new.  This State Park has a naturalist, and Uncle Arthur got to talk to him.  This is not a very big Falls but it is the only place that has a moonbow.  It has to be a very clear night (full moon) and then there is a moonbow over the Falls - very similar to a rainbow - 'cept it is at night.  But, alas - it was a bit rainy and cloudy - I would love to see it.

Cumberland Falls Moonbow

At supper that night, we watched a family of very cute racoons and two skiunks come eat stale rolls the staff threw out for them.  The windows go to the ground in all the dining rooms so there is always a good view.  One skunk had a very broad white stripe down his back - very little black.

Next day it was on to Jenny Wiley State Park - very beautiful and the very best cabins.  Jenny was captured by the Indians and after a few months and many hardships, she escaped and found her way back to her husband.  Here we saw lots of birds just standing on the cabin deck.  We took a walk and saw lots more.  Uncle Arthur was very pleased...

Next morning, we took leave of o so friendly Kentucky and headed home.  More color in the trees as we headed north - and so back to Lebanon.

What a wonderful trip this sounds like!  Touring all these state parks and enjoying the nature and history they have to offer - even the skunks.  But Grammie was always happiest to be back home in Lebanon, Connecticut!

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