Friday, September 25, 2015

New England Spring, 1996

Apr. 8, 1996
This morning looks like a winter wonderland in Connecticut - storm #13 for us.  The trees are loaded down with confectioner's sugar.  The bird feeder is piled high with marshmallow fluff - white everywhere and the sun is trying to break through, so it puts a sheen on everything.  I planted 32 pansy plants and now they are hiding under a blanket of white.

We had a good time at Beth's 16th party and it sure was nice to talk to you.  One of my fondest pictures (in my memory) is of the little girl with sparkling eyes, at my front door, saying, "You missed me, didn't you?", as though you had come to take care of me, instead of my taking care of you.

How is my tree?  Let's put a swing on that long branch and swing up to the sky!

Apr. 21, 1996
The rain came, the wind blew, and the pans on the porch filled with water.  It was a game to see if I could make it into the house without spilling the water.  Good old New England weather - one week 17" of snow and next week 7"of rain in a few hours.  But the trees are budding and the flowers are blooming, and the grass is growing...  Today was a beautiful day - smelled like Spring, the sky was so beautiful, changing much of the time, with the trees budded, reaching up to the heavens.  Grampa mentioned sleeping out tonight and I think it is a good idea - if it doesn't rain.

I love the poetic phrases Grammie uses in these cards.  Her writing style was always this way, with a bit of poetry, humor, and conversation - as though she was just talking to you on the phone.  The tree she mentions is a grand old London Plane tree on the library lawn at Vassar College.  It once had the longest unsuspended branch in the world.  What a swing that would have made!

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