Saturday, July 23, 2022

June 1997 - Suet Troubles

June 2, 1997

Where o where are the marshmallows?  The rock has pretty markings on it.  Gramp is now in the 2nd phase - a painful, tiring one - but he hopes to be home in a week or 10 days.  I think that will help him more than anything else.

I woke up to a noise this morning.  I thought it was Doug.  But I finally looked at the bird feeder and there was "Woody the Chuck" finishing off a brand new cake of suet.  Boy, did I ever chase him away!  Guess I'll have to bring in the suet at night...

Aunt Joanne and I are going to Vt. Tues. morn - and home on Wed. morn.  Kit is here from England and we would like to see her.  Hope things are settling in for you.  Lots of love.

June 9, 1997

This card is a switch from 2 girls in the field picking flowers.  The stars are really great!  I think we need to do more the ceiling.  I'm not going to tell Grampa - just let him be surprised at the Braman-Bopp [comet glow-in-the-dark sticker Grammie named after the real comet Hale-Bopp].

The birds are at the feeder, eating up a storm.  The suet will be all gone and I haven't found my "suet receipt" yet.  After all, I'm most 80 - phone rang - Bob's daughter, Missie - so I decided I was hungry, so now I'm eating a peanut butter and raisin sandwich with butter first on the bread.  I spent the afternoon truing to clean out bureau drawers so Aunt G. could have a place to put the stuff when she finally comes down - instead of dropping it on the floor.

Gram & I put up glow-in-the-dark star stickers on the ceiling of her closed-in porch where they often slept.  She loved being able to still look at the 'stars' at night, even though there was a roof over her head.  I love the mentions of the suet here.  She often talked about her birds and birdfeeders, and finding a good suet 'receipt' [old-fashioned word for recipe] was something she conitnued to search for.  I had forgotten about the peanut-butter and raisin sandwiches she mentions here!  It makes me happy that these little tidbits of her life are still present.

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