Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Little things - April 1997

As I have mentioned before, Grammie would often write about the little things that happened daily and her honest reactions to them.  Here she talks about the weather, the porch, birthdays, driving, food, and writing cards.  It's the last bit that I love the most - you can tell why card-writing was so important to her.  It was a way to connect with her loved ones.  She liked receiving cards in return, but it never really mattered to her if we responded.  She would write us just the same.

 April 6, 1997

Well weatherwise, a lot has happened since your last letter.  Out here we got 9".  Uncle Dick [in Granby, CT] got 24" - trees uprooted - no power for 2 1/2 days, and he & Bette were just back from Fla.  What a rude awakening they got - good old New England weather.  Hope we have seen the last of winter.

I talked to Mick - they got 30" in Hopkinton, MA.  The porch is almost finished except painting - hope it doesn't take another 3 mos. to get it all done - I'm anxious to get out here.

There were 13 squirrels in the yard this A.M.  The birds are singing - sure sign of Spring.

April 14, 1997

The new observatory [Class of '51 Vassar College Observatory] sounds great.  I'm glad its finished while you are still there.

The porch is most finished - a bit more.  Yesterday, Grampa & I were painting some strips & he said, "OK, let's turn it over."  Well, we did, but the paint can was in the way & it splashed all over me before hitting the floor.  We used our brushes to soak it up from the floor & painted lots of strips from what was on the floor.  As for my pants - well - guess they'll stay that way.  It is generally Grampa who is all paint - but the tables sure turned this time.

We went to Mick's house on Sat. for Zach's 4th birthday party.  There were about 15 kids - mostly under 4.  What a madhouse, especially after it started to rain & the kids all had to come in.

Then we came home in the pouring rain & fog.  Grampa was so sleepy that I had to drive.  We made it just in time - before it got too dark for me to see.  An angel sat on my shoulder.

I just made some pea soup - I do love homemade pea soup.  Hope it lives up to my expectations.  It is chilly out today and yesterday we had a thunderstorm that lasted forever.

Well, Jes - I must send a card to Chris, Bob's grandson, who is now stationed in Az in the Airforce.  He has never been away from home for more than 4 days - so he needs mail to keep the "homesicks" away.  Till next time.

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