Sunday, May 15, 2022

Snow in Late Winter 1997

Ah, snow!  Grammie loved it - to a point.  By late winter in New England, she (as most of us were) was ready for Spring.  Traveling between Vermont and Connecticut, she was constantly - and viscerally - reminded of the ways the seasons progressed.  Spring creeps in slowly in New England, peeking around corners and tiptoeing along.  As Grammie would likely agree, it makes the actual arrival all the sweeter!

February 18, 1997

The snow snowed all around - on the trees at Rowen Farm [in VT] and even on the ground.  There was already 2 ft of snow and then we had 6 inches more.  If one wanted to go into the mowing, you would need to use showshoes.  It was also down below 0, and did not get above freezing.  Like being in another world!  It was pretty and I took some pictures - BUT - it is good to be back home even if the porch still is not finished.

The first night in Vt. I put some chicken bones all wrapped up, in a foam 'doggie bag'.  That night, I heard a sound, like someone having a gnawing good time.  I got up and sure enough, there was a country mouse looking for a picnic!  I threw the bag over the barrel and he continued to gnaw - then quiet - he wanted to sleep.  But he continued in the morning - and then quiet again - he must have had his fill and off he went to his country mouse home.

March 2, 1997

We have been having some beautiful sunsets and the clouds have been very changeable.  I'm a cloud person too, as well as a tree person... The birds are beginning to sing and the trees are even budding.  But today, Sun., is a bit on the gloomy side - even tho it is warm.  Mon. - tonight we are supposed to have 2-5" of snow and a bit chilly, but, I guess, this all goes to making Spring.

March 24, 1997 - from Vermont

Here we are in snowland - like the North Pole it was 8 deg this morning.  When we arrived yesterday, we had to put on our boots to get to the door.  First Grampa had to plough our way thru the snow at the end of the drive that the snow-plough had left.  After I got Aunt G's boots on her, I started to the front seat to put on mine - and down I went - flat on my back.  It was slippery and I couldn't grab onto anything to pull myself up.  Finally made it.  Aunt G & I, holding onto each other made our way to the door.  The snow was very crusty and every step we sunk down above our boots.  So this morning we are going back to Spring.

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